Free guides

Want to know what a Venture Capital Trust (VCT) offers? Wondering how EIS and SEIS work? Interested in ways to beat Inheritance Tax? Our free guides explain briefly and in plain English the benefits and risks of investment opportunities for high net worth individuals and sophisticated investors. 

A word of caution: the investments described are not for the fainthearted. They invest in small companies, which are by nature riskier than larger ones.

The trade-off is that you could keep more of your wealth out of the taxman’s hands. 

Our free guides are not advice, nor a personal recommendation to invest, but they explain the main facts you need to know, so you can decide if these opportunities are for you. Please note, tax benefits depend on circumstances and tax rules can change. 

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Tax-efficient investing for high earners free guide cover

This free 18-page guide explains in plain English how you could save up to 50% income tax, earn sizeable tax-free dividends and more.

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How to beat the inheritance tax trap guide cover

How can you beat Inheritance Tax? How can you pass on more to your loved ones? Download your free guide to find out.

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Investing-in-Startups-Guide-041223.jpg cover

Startup companies are the country’s growth engine, the lifeblood of the economy. Our free guide explains how you could invest in them.

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How to survive the tax raid on pensions cover

Recent rules make pensions no longer viable for many higher earners. Our free guide explains what you could do.

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How to make ISA IHT free Aug 2019 cover

Did you know that when you die the taxman could take 40% of your ISA in Inheritance Tax? How could you avoid that? Download our free report.

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BPR factsheet cover

Investing in assets that qualify for Business Property Relief (BPR) could help mitigate IHT. Find out how in this concise factsheet.

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Forestry Factsheet cover

Investing in UK Commercial Forests could help protect your wealth from IHT after two years and generate largely tax-free income

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VCT factsheet cover

This simple factsheet gives a quick overview of VCTs, how they work, the risks and benefits.

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EIS Factsheet cover

This simple factsheet gives a quick overview of EIS, how it works, the risks and benefits.

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SEIS factsheet cover

This simple factsheet gives a quick overview of the SEIS, how it works, the risks and benefits.

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Factsheet – Tax relief comparison cover

This simple factsheet gives a quick overview of how VCT, EIS and SEIS tax reliefs compare

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Factsheet: Pension Tapered Allowance cover

How much can higher earners contribute to a pension in any given tax year? This factsheet provides a concise overview of the “taper” rules.

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Factsheet: Pension Carry Forward cover

Could you contribute more to your pension than the annual allowance? This free factsheet gives an overview of “carry forward” rules.

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Factsheet: Money Purchase Allowance cover

Could your pension contributions be restricted by the Money Purchase Annual Allowance? This factsheet explains what might trigger the MPAA.

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